Tommy Mesa and Yoon Lee

Complimentary access to concert livestreams is available to members at the Contemporaries or higher level.

Please sign in to verify your eligibility.

Selected date

Sunday January 19

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Selected Time

4:00 PM  –  5:30 PM


Please review the following policies before proceeding with your reservation.  

Time Zone: The start time Phillips Music programs are for local Eastern time (US).

Delivery: Registered members will receive an order confirmation to the email address provided at registration that will include the event's livestream link. Concerts begin promptly at 4:00 pm and livestreams can be viewed only during the duration of the performance.  

Phillips Collection Members: Members of The Phillips Collection at the Contemporaries ($500) or higher level receive complimentary access to concert livestreams. Members ($75-$250) and the general public are invited to view select livestreams free of charge for concerts scheduled on the following dates: October 27, November 24, December 15 January 26, February 16, February 23, March 23, April 27 and May 4.

Click here for Member sign-in help

Phillips members must sign in to access their discounts and benefits.
All discounts will be applied to tickets at checkout.